"; print"
�� ӭ ��   G I M �� վ.

\n"; ################## function fp_form() ################## { global $button,$ME; ?>


������ĵ����ʼ��ָ��������ı���.ʲôʱ�����ύ������,������뽫����������, ��һ�������뽫���ɵ����ʼ�����ȥ����.����㲻��Ҫ�����,


\n"; print " \n"; } ###################### function recover_pswd() ####################### { global $button,$email,$ME; $query = "select * from t_user where email='$email'"; $result = db_query($query); IF (db_num_rows($result) == 1) { $user = db_fetch_row($result); if($user == "") {disp_mess("Password Recovery","Email Error","Your email is not matched. Please check your email before resubmit","login.php","Continue","");} else { /* reset the password */ $newpasswd = generate_password(); $qid = "UPDATE t_user SET c_pswd = '" . md5($newpasswd) ."' where c_email='$email'"; db_query($qid); /* email the user with the new account information */ $sender = "gimesys@yahoo.com"; $recipient = $email; $subject = "�û�������"; $mail_body = "���� $user[1],\n"; $mail_body .= "��������Ѿ�����������, ����µ�¼��Ϣ��:\n\n"; $mail_body .= "��¼����֤: $user[0] \n\n"; $mail_body .= "password: $newpasswd \n\n"; $mail_body .= "�����߶��Ƽ��Ǹ����Ϊϵͳԭľ�;���, \n"; $mail_body .= "�ı��������. ��������κ�������߹�ע,����gimesys@yahoo.com��������ϵ.\n"; $mailbody = ""; $mailbody .= "$mail_body\n\n"; $date= date("l dS of F Y h:i:s A"); $mailbody .="--------------------------------------------------------------\n"; $mailbody .= "Originator/Sender :GIM e-Report\n"; $mailbody .= "Date Sent :$date\n"; $mailbody .="--------------------------------------------------------------\n"; mail($recipient,$subject,$mailbody,"From:$sender" ); disp_mess("����ָ�","�û�������","��������Ѿ����ɹ��ı�","$ME","����",""); } } ELSE if (db_num_rows($result) > 1){ login_id($email); } ELSE { print ""; } db_close(); } ######################### Function login_id($email) ######################### { Global $ME; ?>


������ĵ����ʼ��ָ��������ı���.ʲôʱ�����ύ������,������뽫����������, ��һ�������뽫���ɵ����ʼ�����ȥ����.����㲻��Ҫ�����,


\n"; print ""; } ############################ function recover_pswd_more() ############################ { global $button,$email,$userid,$ME; $query = "select * from t_user where email='$email' and username='$userid'"; $result = db_query($query); IF (db_num_rows($result) == 1) { $user = db_fetch_row($result); if($user == "") {disp_mess("Password Recovery","Email Error","Your email is not matched. Please check your email before resubmit","login.php","Continue","");} else { /* reset the password */ $newpasswd = generate_password(); $qid = "UPDATE t_user SET c_pswd = '" . md5($newpasswd) ."' where c_email='$email'"; db_query($qid); /* email the user with the new account information */ $sender = "gimesys@yahoo.com"; $recipient = $email; $subject = "�û�������"; $mail_body = "���� $user[1],\n"; $mail_body .= "��������Ѿ�����������, ����µ�¼��Ϣ��:\n\n"; $mail_body .= "��¼����֤: $user[0] \n\n"; $mail_body .= "password: $newpasswd \n\n"; $mail_body .= "�����߶��Ƽ��Ǹ����Ϊϵͳԭľ�;���, \n"; $mail_body .= "�ı��������. ��������κ�������߹�ע,����gimesys@yahoo.com��������ϵ.\n"; $mailbody = ""; $mailbody .= "$mail_body\n\n"; $date= date("l dS of F Y h:i:s A"); $mailbody .="--------------------------------------------------------------\n"; $mailbody .= "Originator/Sender :GIM e-Report\n"; $mailbody .= "Date Sent :$date\n"; $mailbody .="--------------------------------------------------------------\n"; mail($recipient,$subject,$mailbody,"From:$sender" ); disp_mess("����ָ�","�û�������","��������Ѿ����ɹ��ı�","$ME","����",""); } } ELSE { print ""; } db_close(); } ######################### if(nvl($button) == "") {fp_form();} elseif($button == " �ύ ") {recover_pswd();} elseif($button == " ȷ�� ") {recover_pswd_more();} ?>